
Happy PI Day!!! A few years back… ok… like 9 years ago. I built an interesting piece of functional art in my living room. It was my media center pc, mounted in a double picture frame on my wall. This thing served me well for a long time. But now it’s time to upgrade it. After all this time the ATOM board in there has...


Some of you know, I really like lithium ion batteries *shocked* Shut it! This is a short post, I don’t need you hamming up the works. Just wait till I show up in your videos…. You wouldn’t…. Hello…. Oh hell….. Ok, lets not worry about that now. I picked up a pretty sweet haul of batteries this week. 22lbs. I counted...


So awhile back I came across an instructables article regarding using some ikea lack tables to make a 3dprinter enclosure….. I love ikea…. So this was the project. http://www.instructables.com/id/3d-Printer-Enclosure-from-Upcycled-Furniture/ I went to ikea. Got 2 lack tables and put them together…. I want my printer...


So my Super Villain lair is super secretly located in my converted garage… shhhh. So we found out that Florida is a rough place to be a super villain. It’s hot here. So I needed a way to help keep my lair cool. So many full moons ago my minions held a Staples store for ransom till they gave me an AC unit. This thing is...


So I don’t know why, but I have over the last year or so really gotten into doing things with renewable resources (mainly solar). Well, lets say interested in. I have a couple of solar panels I play with but nothing crazy. So one day I get this crazy idea in my head. I need a rain barrel. But for what!?!?! I had no...