Since I made the home automation system failover its been great!…. except I kind of would like to know which box its running on it. So I made a quick change. A new Item on my dash board 1String Server "Server [%s]" {exec="<[/bin/cat@@/etc/hostname:60000:]"} I have that in my items file. Then in my sitemap I added...

So, with a friday and a saturday worth of work on my home automation move here is what is complete. install server os on vm install openhab and all bindings currently in use move openhab configs over to new vm shutdown old openhab-pi configure raspberry pi with virtualhere server to share usb configure new vm server to...

I have been running openhab for over a year now on a raspberry pi. I also run mosquitto mqtt broker with a great piece of software called mqttwarn. On my phone I run owntracks. So lets do a brief summary of what these pieces of software do for me and what I currently have configured. **Openhab – “**a vendor and...

So I owed a buddy of mine a stand for a light saber. I took his saber and measured it up and actually designed my first real 3d design.
Its nothing crazy and will have a couple more tweaks as the tolerances are a little too tight right now.

So you have seen my woes. I learned ALOT about 3d printers during the build and trials and tribulations. But once I had it pseudo working the first thing I wanted to print…. UPGRADES!!!
“#$%^& YES!!!! Print your own upgrades!” I yelled at the printer!

Wow, its been 6 months since I wrote part 1. I will show a few more pics of the build and then go into some MAJOR things I learned. Some links to really good resources and some pics of various prints I have done. This was the picture after I got a lot of the main support structure together. I thought I was getting...

I have been looking for a 3d printer for a long time. Finally had a chance to get one so I did some looking around and found a great price for a prusa i3 kit.
The kit I got was folgertech.